This is relevant for all Layer 5 Solutions’ hosting customers. Stay safe and best wishes.
COVID-19 Precautionary Measures…
Our Services
We anticipate no consequential issue with our various hosting services, and remain available for support via the normal channels. Netnorth followed its business continuity plan under our ISO27001 ISMS, commencing approximately 1 week prior to the government’s similar advice. All staff are practicing segregated or remote working, with skeleton administrative staff attending offices and data-centres, and key personnel self-isolating and operating from home.
Site Activity
Our normal routine visual inspections of hardware continue, with proactive / reactive hardware replacements taking place as usual. We ask that casual visits to the DCs by non-staff members are avoided unless absolutely necessary. We’re happy to provide “remote hands” assistance beyond our normal levels should this assist you accomplishing this.
Our Supply
Netnorth already maintain a healthy stock of replacement parts rather than relying upon vendor warranties and response times. Part of our existing BC planning includes acquisition of additional hardware that we anticipate might go into constraint, increasing our committed data rate (CDR) bandwidth provision well beyond our requirements, and storing additional fuel on site for any contingency power generation should the need arise.
In short, we don’t expect any change in service levels or response times to you.
That said, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free contact us.